"In a world full of trends, we want to remain classic"

Read below for some fun facts on the 4 top makeup brands we work with:
Bobbi Brown Cosmetics is the #1 makeup artist brand founded by a woman.
M·A·C believes in Social Responsibility, with initiatives such as Viva Glam and the M·A·C AIDS Fund at the heart and soul of their unique culture. They've raised more than 4 Million for the AIDS foundation.
Temptu Airbrush Makeup is owned by a married couple! Michael Benjamin, CEO, and Samantha Mandor, COO, decided to take the makeup industry to a next level by making this technology accessible to all women, while being married.
Smashbox is slang for a box-style camera introduced in the early 1900s as an affordable way to capture everyday life in what were coined ‘snapshots’—these box styles remain one of the most iconic cameras ever made and is now the name of their brand.